Here is a value study for a digital painting, some of you might not know this character, he's the Monkey King
孫悟空 from the Journey to the West 西遊記.
This design is for a comic book cover.
Pencil on Paper
Spring 2008

And here is a colored version. I painted this on Corel Painter and a little bit of Photoshop. This took me awhile maybe about 3 weeks in total on and off.
Corel Painter, Photoshop
Spring 2008

Here is the pencil sketch of the interior page from the story. The story goes on the journey to the west, the flaming mountain is blocking their path. Therefore Monkey King went to borrow the Iron Fan from the Iron Fan Princess, but there were some drama between the two, so basically she refuses.
Pencil on Paper
Spring 2008

Here is the digitally painted version. It's not great, wish i had more time with the coloring! And the inking isn't great coz i inked with Painter, actually i prefer inking by hand.
Corel Painter, Photoshop
Spring 2008

Here is the inking which i did by hand, which i was going to overlay on top of the digitally painted version, but it wouldn't line up right! even i messed around with the layer on photoshop, anyway you may notice there are more details and the line weight is better controlled on this one.
Ink on Tracing Paper
Spring 2008
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